Month: April 2020
LOUISVILLE, SUPERIOR, LAFAYETTE COLORADO We want to invite LOUISVILLE, SUPERIOR, & LAFAYETTE COLORADO business tenants and landlords to a Q & A Zoom meeting on Thursday – April 23rd, 1 pm – 2pm. The Colorado Group, Inc. – Scott Reichenberg, Jorge Espinoza, Scott Crabtree, and Jeff Levy will present the very latest on what is known so far about […]

THURSDAY, APRIL 16TH, 2020 Thank you to anyone that attended our Zoom meeting on Thursday for the Longmont area Landlords & Tenants Q&A about navigating Commercial Real Estate with COVID-19. Thank you to Boulder Chamber businesses that hopped on the meeting! If you missed it… The Colorado Group, Inc. –Scott Reichenberg, Jason Kruse, Ashley Overton, […]

TUESDAY, APRIL 14TH, 2020 Thank you to anyone that attended our Zoom meeting on Tuesday for the Boulder area Landlords & Tenants Q&A about navigating Commercial Real Estate with COVID-19. Thank you to Boulder Chamber businesses that hopped on the meeting! If you missed it… The Colorado Group, Inc. – Audrey Berne, Scott Crabtree, Neil Littmann & […]

We want to invite LONGMONT landlords and commercial tenants to a Q & A meeting on Thursday – April 16th, 1pm – 2pm. This will be a Zoom meeting. Please see the information below to join the meeting. The Colorado Group, Inc. – Scott Reichenberg, Jason Kruse, Ashley Overton, and Joe Bennell will present the very latest on […]

Boulder, Colorado We want to invite Boulder landlords and commercial tenants to a Q & A meeting on Tuesday – April 14th, 2020 11am – 12pm. This will be a Zoom meeting. Please see the information below to join the Zoom meeting. The Colorado Group, Inc. – Audrey Berne, Scott Crabtree, Neil Littmann & Scott Reichenberg will present the […]

Like many industries, the commercial real estate market took a hard uppercut to the jaw, followed by a Mike Tyson like blow to the body. There is no doubt that the effects will last for a long time, and recovery will be painful for both tenants and landlords. To date, the hardest hit segment in the […]

Now, more than ever, you need some good news and resources to help you figure things out. Who do you have in your circle that can really listen, is cognizant of business and market matters, keeps tabs on who’s doing what, is creative and skilled at problem-solving, and is well connected with other professional resources […]

By Lucas High — March 31, 2020 April 1 marks the first time businesses will have to pay their rent since the coronavirus crisis shut down large portions of the economy across Northern Colorado and the Boulder Valley, forcing tenants and their landlords to seek creative solutions that allow both parties to remain viable. Solutions […]