A World of Giving Back.
We would love to highlight a couple of great organizations to give back to this holiday season!
Attention Homes – Changing Lives of Youth in Crisis.
Attention Homes has always been responsive to the evolving needs of youth facing homelessness in our community. In the 1960s, youth who couldn’t live at home because of domestic violence or family breakups were sent to detention centers for housing. Established in 1966 with the mandate to provide ‘attention, not detention’ to displaced youth, Attention Homes has served over 12,000 young individuals as they become healthy, productive members of our community.
Their Values
Attention: Caring for each individual’s needs, perspectives, and experiences
Homes: A community where all are welcome, safe, and invited to contribute
Resourceful: Thoughtfully responsive to ever-changing needs and circumstances
Authentic: Meeting people where they are with integrity and transparency
Hopeful: Live knowing that people can achieve regardless of barriers
Inspired: Facilitating growth, transformation, and leadership
They offer a number of ways to get involved from donating items like meals or dedicating time. Click here for more about how to GET INVOLVED.

The Denver Santa Claus Shop
At the Denver Santa Claus Shop, they are all about the toys! Their mission is that every child should have a toy at Christmas. They are a volunteer-run, nondenominational nonprofit that has helped well over 1 million local children in our 89-year history.
They have a number of ways to get involved! They always need more volunteers, you can organize your own toy drive, or attend an event! Click here to GET INVOLVED.

We were so excited when The Denver Santa Claus Shop had a fundraiser this summer where they were selling bikes, that we purchased a dozen and donated them to Attention Homes, to help young people who are experiencing homelessness. Now there are 4 bikes located at each program location. Here is to encouraging anyone that can to give back whenever possible.