Boulder, Colorado
We want to invite Boulder landlords and commercial tenants to a Q & A meeting on Tuesday – April 14th, 2020 11am – 12pm. This will be a Zoom meeting. Please see the information below to join the Zoom meeting.
The Colorado Group, Inc. – Audrey Berne, Scott Crabtree, Neil Littmann & Scott Reichenberg will present the very latest on what is known so far about the commercial real estate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and will start with sharing their perspectives on the outlook going forward. In a time where most tenants are being significantly impacted by this crisis and are wondering “what’s next” and “how do I best navigate lease obligations”, The Colorado Group would love to offer our experience and knowledge to help business owners with any questions they may have.
“We understand the anxiety and questions that are affecting our community and business owners as it is a continual learning curve in uncharted waters. Many tenants and landlords have questions and we want to do our part and help answer those questions and help business owners survive these difficult times.”
~ Scott Reichenberg – President/Principal/Broker Associate
- Approximately 10 minutes of introductions/opening comments
- Q&A fielding chat questions answered to the extent of our knowledge
- Contact information will be given for more difficult questions that may require a personal call.
This Zoom meeting is limited to the first 100 people that login. We will be recording this meeting, and if spaces fill – we will also add an additional date for further questions!
Zoom Meeting Information:
The Colorado Group, Inc. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 105 688 816
Password: 016672
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Meeting ID: 105 688 816
Password: 016672
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adF0o4LbRo
We’re looking forward to seeing you on April 14th, at 11am MST